Speech Privacy
Next Generation Sound Masking Technology
Innovative, simple, and intelligently engineered solutions. Sound masking uses cutting-edge technology to block distracting and invasive sounds and to protect all of your sensitive conversations—imperative in improving workplace satisfaction and productivity.

How Does Sound Masking Work?
Sound masking is the addition of a uniform background sound, similar to airflow, to reduce the intelligibility of human speech. Sound masking technology, sometimes referred to as speech privacy, white noise, pink noise, or voice arrest uses white noise to cover distracting sounds in the workplace, reducing workplace distractions. The environment this creates increases privacy and improves worker performance. The technology is designed to increase the room’s ambient sound, making the talker’s voice less intelligible. With a Cambridge Sound Management QTPro System in place, conversations will not be overheard by unwanted listeners and coworkers.

The QtPro System
Designed to meet acoustic requirements of every space, large or small.
Cambridge Sound Masking technology evenly masks sounds using small speakers that broadcast white noise throughout designated workplace areas. Older systems that relied on speakers placed above ceiling tiles often required frequent adjustment, but the system’s advanced technology takes the guesswork out of sound masking.
Who Uses Sound Masking?
Customers looking to meet: CA-SB1 – GLBA – PIPEDA Compliancy HIPAA Oral Privacy Regulations
Counseling offices
Hotel guest rooms
Law enforcement
Open office areas
Patient rooms
Private offices
Retail banks
Secured facilities
Waiting rooms
LEED Certification
Low Energy Consumption
Environmentally Conscious Materials and Packaging
Recyclable Products
Simple, low impact installation